Making a difference, one life at a time!

Our uttermost desire is to make a difference to the unreached and the vulnerable, wherever they may be.

Homeless Kitchen

The Lighthouse Soup kitchen opened winter 2016, to provide a place of refuge from the…. READ MORE

Christmas Hampers

Through this programme we give out Christmas Hampers to several families in Maidstone…. READ MORE

Orphanage Project

Each day over five thousand children become orphans around the world and according to the… READ MORE

Lighthouse FoodBank

We are here to give a helping hand in difficult times, call us today and let us know to help… READ MORE

Become a volunteer

We function by the selfless service of our volunteers, so let us know if there is a way you can be of help

Buy or donate a Christmas Hamper

December 2020 we were able to bring hope and joy to several families and In December 2021, we aim to donate hampers to a hundred families. A gift of £20 will purchase a hamper and make a huge difference to those families

Donate money or dry goods to the Foodbank

The Pandemic has left several people unsure where the next meal is coming from, jobs and businesses are so unpredictable leading many people to reach out to foodbanks for help and we want to be there if ANYONE comes knocking on our doors, you may donate dry goods or monetary gifts of any amount